Graphic & Web Design Jobs in Mission

Results 1 - 4 of 4



Graphic & Web Design

Results 1 - 4 of 4

    • Salesforce Developer & Admin


      Develop Lightning Web Components (LWC) to enhance the user experience and improve application ... Please note this job description is not designed to cover or contain a comprehensive listing of ...

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    • Senior Full Stack Web Developer


      Mastery in WordPress. * Proficient in front-end technologies, including JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, and Vue.js or React.js. * Experience with cloud services (AWS, Google Cloud, or Azure) is a plus

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    • Communications and Engagement Manager


      Bonus points for understanding graphic design, video and photography principals * Double bonus points for being International Association of Public Participation (IAP2) certified or understanding ...

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    • Software Developer


      Responsibilities ▪ Implement software in C++, C# and Python following written specifications and company software engineering practices. ▪ Design and implement graphical user interfaces. ▪ ...

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